Nowadays however, I have a subscription for Lightroom and can import the photos on my iPad and edit them on the go, or from the comfort of my couch. I'd come back from holidays and didn't really make the time, I guess it can be attributed to laziness. One thing that kept me from post-processing a lot of my pictures was the necessity of doing it on the desktop. I agree with the sentiment on the new Lightroom being trash, although I do think something nice came out of Adobe's efforts of the past few years. The features are more or less there, the UX isn't.
Overall photo editing with open source software is kind of a drag. navigation keys are different between modes), it isn't good at actualling keeping a library of photos, and crucially it has no way to quickly go to 100/200/400 % magnification (in LR you could hold the middle mouse button to instantly snap to 400 % iirc, extremely useful, completely absent in darktable). GIMP only did 8 bit color until recently and a lot of operations are comically slow, while darktable has a very low legibility UI and keyboard shortcuts that don't make a lot of sense (e.g. Darktable has similar issues to GIMP, as in, that it hypothetically has a lot of features, but the usability is pretty poor overall, and it lacks some pretty vital things. Although LR used to have the habit of getting really slow with larger libraries, it mostly just works and doesn't get in the way, while stuff like darktable is just.
I haven't seen anything open source that comes close to Lightroom, even if you only consider LR versions from ten years ago.